I made this game for a certain kind of person, to delight them.

Well, "I" is an exaggeration. Milana Zilnik, 2CO, and GlitchCat7 did the music; Dan Ellis did the boss art. Some folks provided a lot of good feedback and helped fix some bugs.

Infinite Ritual is a musical bullet hell game that was in development for four years. It's inspired by Everyday Shooter and Kamilia 3. I made this game to make me happy, and I hope it makes other people happy too. If you find yourself getting angry, stop playing immediately.

I was learning as I went, and I did everything wrong. It isn't optimized, and might not run on your computer at all. Sometimes the music desyncs from the level, sometimes the framerate is terrible, and I barely know what I'm doing making this thing.

click or move into the boss portal to begin. During a level, press "i" to toggle invulnerability, and "r" to reset. Move with the arrow keys, use "x" to slow down, and press space to activate a teleport marker, release space to jump to the marker. "f" will fast-forward, which may cause desync. "k" skips the titlecard. Other buttons might do other even less useful things.

StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
Made withPixiJS
TagsBullet Hell


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Hi, I'm the guy from the YouTube comment section, checked your game.

It's beyond my skill level so since you don't want players to get angry I turned invicibility for a more cozy analysis.

Ok so I'm gonna give my opinion:

Overall I like the idea, I won't give any opinion on the visuals because I'm sure they're gonna be updated, same with desyncing and performance.

The main menu theme really feels like a main menu, so that was nailed.

I also like the player ship design, it has a basic concept which it executes well and doesn't go for an  overdesigned approach.

Now I'll mention the "negatives", and the word is on quotes as it's a little subjective and I won't blame you for not taking the advice:

First, it's very memory focused, the second pattern will hit the player if the player isn't aware of it, it seems like a memory focused game which altough there's no problem with it, that property seems to be in opposition with the "don't play if you get angry" as losing because of something unexpected might cause anger.

And lastly, there's no audio feedback, you may want to preserve the music by itself but audio plays a huge role in game design, the game feels empty without some audio, and even rhythm games which are supposed to keep the music "pure" still have audio feedback.

Despite this current version's state, I'll still give this a 5 star review just to help it get recommended to more people.

Thanks for the great feedback.

Visuals: I don't currently have plans to change the core visuals, so if there are issues I'd love to hear about them. Other bosses will have a single sprite that moves around, without animation, but that's currently the only visual update I'm working on.

Memory: I think you're right about blind kills being an issue, I hadn't really considered that because the goal is for an extended learning grind, but I can see how it would put someone off. I'll try adding some warning ! indicators and restructure some attacks that push you into bad spots.

Audio: are you specifically thinking about an on-hit sound, or are there other things you'd like to hear?

About the visuals I was only thinking about maybe backgrounds and player move animations.

And in regards  to audio a player death audio seems like the only location the game really needs it, although having audio for menus would also be cool (but not obligatory).

Yeah, sounds for hit and death are totally doable, and once there are real menus I'll give them some audio.

I don't think backgrounds will work, unfortunately. I don't want to end up with something like The Void Rains Upon Her Heart, that game has gorgeous backgrounds that people hardly ever see, because turning them off makes it easier to see the bullets.